Optimizing every area of your business!

J8TRIX jia Digital The leading software company in the region, cloud storage, using secure and security to host and develop web and websites file transfer and social media, platforms, cyber security Safe and Secure website hosting server, data service providers Price Comparison tax software development season website development SEO wordpress marketing digital footprint social media marketing

WHAT WE DO…Our Solutions

We offer a variety of services to our clients including


8irBox -A file storing and sharing solution developed by Jia Digital. It is a cloud-based web application that allows a user to upload view, download and share a file.

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J8trix -is a price comparison solution. It is a web-based application that allows a user to compare different prices at which an item is being sold by different vendors.

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We have packages that are available for creators of small, medium and large business. If it is for your personal use we have packages for you as well.

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